Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey, Hair, and a 2 month old if you dare.....

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving with the family. Which means we played a couple mean games of Skip Bo and ate ourselves silly. I tried my best to enjoy the holiday and not dwell on the fact that I am going back to being a working mom on Monday. It's somewhat bittersweet. I love what I do and can't imagine not going to school everyday, but I also leave my heart out walking around when I go out the door and leave my boys. However, I think I am a better mommy when I am working. Plus, Christmas break is only 3 weeks away and I plan to soak up as much boy time as possible then. In preparation for returning to work I had a hair appointment on Friday. WOW! such a better and more relaxing experience than going to throw bows at the store with all those crazies! It may become a Black Friday tradition for me...maybe I'll even throw in a mani/pedi and a massage next time.
Rylan has decided he no longer needs to nap. FUN TIMES! Actually, I can't complain too much, because he is sleeping about 8-9 hours at night. But aren't 2 month olds suppose to nap? Isn't it like their job at this point? Well, our two month old has decided to make eating his job and now tops the scale at a whopping 13+ pounds! I guess healthy would be the word to describe him:)

Before I close this short update I have to take a minute to remember my dear friend Peggy. She passed away on Thanksgiving Day after a very long 16 month battle with cancer. When I met her I was just starting my teaching career. She was a mentor, supporter, listening ear, and cheerleader for me both at school and in my personal life. After my first date with Josh, I came to school the next day and Peg took one look at me and said, "You're going to marry that boy." I thought she was crazy, but she knew. She is the reason I am the teacher I am today and I hope when she peers down from heaven into my classroom that she can smile and see that she taught me well. I love you, Peg....and I give thanks for the honor of calling you my friend.

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