Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oh, snow!

I have the strangest form of half marathon training. Pretty sure Jillian would be appalled by it, but it's working for me and today for the first time since having Rylan four months ago I put on pre-baby jeans and wore them in public. That's huge, because I usually just put them on by wrestling around on the floor and doing squats, Lay down on the bed to zip them, make Josh lie about them not giving me a muffin top and then peel them off and yell curse words as I hurl them across the bedroom. Anyawho...since it's been snowing, I've been cooking. With butter, lots of butter. I made cookies, dumplings, enchiladas, sloppy joes (not even a red meat eater, see what snow does to me?) Therefor inducing guilt in this normally health conscious eater, so I run. I jump on and run. The best plan, no. Gaining speed, no. Breaking PR's, no. But I'm moving and I haven't given a pair of jeans a tongue lashing in almost a week!