Today started out better than I could have ever hoped. Both boys slept until after 7 am for the second day in a row. I got both of them fed, changed, and out the door for a walk at the trail before the warm, wet washcloth we call weather settled down upon us. Caden played at the trail and found some "interesting fossil specimens" (his words, not mine) of craw fish while wading in the creek. Ry slept the whole time and we ended up getting in close to 3 miles.
Then we came home. Then the bottom fell out.
In the course of less than an hour the following insued.......
I put Ry in the floor in the living room to play where I could see him while I made lunch. He crept closer to the candlestick that sets by the fireplace. Sneaky little Pete that he is, he would wait until I looked down and would crawl closer and closer. I should tell you that he is drawn to this candlestick like a moth to a flame. We can smack that little hand all we want, he WANTS that candlestick. So he finally makes his move, just as I bend down to move him away from it. And......well, goodbye candlestick.
He just looked at me with this face, like "What?!" Ry got to go spend a few minutes in his crib "thinking" about this. I cleaned it up, finished making lunch, put my plate with my sandwich on it on the table in the living room while I go spring him out of baby jail. Caden starts screaming from the living room, "MOMMMM, Roxy is eating your sandwich!!" I walk in the living room to see Roxy (who is now available to a new home) drag my plate off the table and start eating MY lunch. I will not go into detail about what I did to her. PETA may be monitoring my blog. Let's just say there is a reason there is not a pic these shenanigans. My hands were otherwise occupied at the moment:) I stick Ry in his walker, begin cleaning up and making myself another sandwich. Which on a side note, I only had one piece of turkey left. The second sandwich sucked. I turned around for just a second to talk to Caden and this is what Ry did to my kitchen.
Yes, yes Honie that is the newly purchased decorative dishtowel you gave me trailing behind him. It use to hang beautifully from the oven door. Now it is safe in the drawer until Mr. Man gets control of himself.
Apparently he wasn't happy with any of the snack selections he grabbed the first time, so he went back for more.....
I love that he isn't even paying attention to me he is so focused on getting to a snack. Josh came home not long after and Caden said, "I'm the only one here that isn't in trouble!"