As I am typing this, it is exactly 11:17 pm on December 31, 2011. I'm not going to lie it will be a miracle if I make it to midnight and if it wasn't for the digital clock on the cable box I totally could've convinced Caden it was a New Year when the ball dropped on the east coast and I could be snug in my bed. But instead you are getting my random thoughts on 2011 so I can stay awake for another 40 minutes and welcome 2012 with 2 of my favorite men.
I will forever remember 2011 as being the year that God taught us a big lesson. He has shown me that despite my need to control things He is truly in control and He alone knows the plans he has for me, us, our family.
It has been amazing to see Rylan growing and learning in his first year of life. Everything has been a new adventure to him and he embraces life with such ferocity that it is contagious at times. At other times, I won't lie, it's exhausting. He NEVER stops go, go, going! I love it!
Caden started Kindergarten this year and I love seeing him being challenged to try new things and take more risks. He is reading like crazy and surprises us constantly with his insights about the world and life. He continues to be wise beyond his years, but the times I love the most are the ones when he shows us he is still a 6 year old who needs his mommy and daddy, who loves his brother, and thinks owls are scary because of their creepy eyes.
Finally in 2011 we discovered that we will be adding to our little family. I guess we won't be such a little family anymore, huh? Anyway, it took awhile to wrap our minds around the idea, but we are very excited to meet our daughter when she arrives in April. Like I said, God has a plan.......I can't wait to see what He has in store for us in 2012.
Now to find something to fill the next 20 minutes of time, so I won't be shamed by the fact that my 6 year old made it to midnight and I didn't.

This is just a quick glimpse into my life as I juggle being exactly what I always wanted to be...a wife, a mother, and a teacher. Sometimes it gets a little messy, but with the support of my fabulous husband, a squeeze from my little men, and a Sonic Vanilla Diet Coke in hand I give thanks each day for how big I'm blessed.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Today started out better than I could have ever hoped. Both boys slept until after 7 am for the second day in a row. I got both of them fed, changed, and out the door for a walk at the trail before the warm, wet washcloth we call weather settled down upon us. Caden played at the trail and found some "interesting fossil specimens" (his words, not mine) of craw fish while wading in the creek. Ry slept the whole time and we ended up getting in close to 3 miles.
Then we came home. Then the bottom fell out.
In the course of less than an hour the following insued.......
I put Ry in the floor in the living room to play where I could see him while I made lunch. He crept closer to the candlestick that sets by the fireplace. Sneaky little Pete that he is, he would wait until I looked down and would crawl closer and closer. I should tell you that he is drawn to this candlestick like a moth to a flame. We can smack that little hand all we want, he WANTS that candlestick. So he finally makes his move, just as I bend down to move him away from it. And......well, goodbye candlestick.
He just looked at me with this face, like "What?!" Ry got to go spend a few minutes in his crib "thinking" about this. I cleaned it up, finished making lunch, put my plate with my sandwich on it on the table in the living room while I go spring him out of baby jail. Caden starts screaming from the living room, "MOMMMM, Roxy is eating your sandwich!!" I walk in the living room to see Roxy (who is now available to a new home) drag my plate off the table and start eating MY lunch. I will not go into detail about what I did to her. PETA may be monitoring my blog. Let's just say there is a reason there is not a pic these shenanigans. My hands were otherwise occupied at the moment:) I stick Ry in his walker, begin cleaning up and making myself another sandwich. Which on a side note, I only had one piece of turkey left. The second sandwich sucked. I turned around for just a second to talk to Caden and this is what Ry did to my kitchen.
Yes, yes Honie that is the newly purchased decorative dishtowel you gave me trailing behind him. It use to hang beautifully from the oven door. Now it is safe in the drawer until Mr. Man gets control of himself.
Apparently he wasn't happy with any of the snack selections he grabbed the first time, so he went back for more.....
I love that he isn't even paying attention to me he is so focused on getting to a snack. Josh came home not long after and Caden said, "I'm the only one here that isn't in trouble!"
Then we came home. Then the bottom fell out.
In the course of less than an hour the following insued.......
I put Ry in the floor in the living room to play where I could see him while I made lunch. He crept closer to the candlestick that sets by the fireplace. Sneaky little Pete that he is, he would wait until I looked down and would crawl closer and closer. I should tell you that he is drawn to this candlestick like a moth to a flame. We can smack that little hand all we want, he WANTS that candlestick. So he finally makes his move, just as I bend down to move him away from it. And......well, goodbye candlestick.
He just looked at me with this face, like "What?!" Ry got to go spend a few minutes in his crib "thinking" about this. I cleaned it up, finished making lunch, put my plate with my sandwich on it on the table in the living room while I go spring him out of baby jail. Caden starts screaming from the living room, "MOMMMM, Roxy is eating your sandwich!!" I walk in the living room to see Roxy (who is now available to a new home) drag my plate off the table and start eating MY lunch. I will not go into detail about what I did to her. PETA may be monitoring my blog. Let's just say there is a reason there is not a pic these shenanigans. My hands were otherwise occupied at the moment:) I stick Ry in his walker, begin cleaning up and making myself another sandwich. Which on a side note, I only had one piece of turkey left. The second sandwich sucked. I turned around for just a second to talk to Caden and this is what Ry did to my kitchen.
Yes, yes Honie that is the newly purchased decorative dishtowel you gave me trailing behind him. It use to hang beautifully from the oven door. Now it is safe in the drawer until Mr. Man gets control of himself.
Apparently he wasn't happy with any of the snack selections he grabbed the first time, so he went back for more.....
I love that he isn't even paying attention to me he is so focused on getting to a snack. Josh came home not long after and Caden said, "I'm the only one here that isn't in trouble!"
Thursday, July 7, 2011 last!
Rylan is crawling now.....I do not have time to post more. I must go pull him out of the fireplace. Enjoy the pics and pray for us:)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Let them be little
First off, I'm a terrible blogger. Life gets a little hectic and the first 2 things to go are blogging and running. Why is that?? What is probably my two best forms of therapy are the first things I give up when I get stressed. Enough about that, the real reason for this post is to share a milestone that happened around our house this past month.
On June 10, 2011 my baby, my first-born little bundle of words and questions graduated from pre-school....FINALLY! I know, I know most moms would be sobbing and trying to hold on to those last few moments of the "pre-school" years with all their might. But, that's just not me. As I was sitting in the playground at Caden's pre-school waiting on the graduation to start a drama queen mommy came and sat down next to me. She was all tears and "I can't believe my baby is going to Kindergarten! Kindergarten!!! It's so scary! I need more Kleenex!" Geez, lady save some of it for HS graduation OK? and no I don't have any Kleenex, now suck it up it's only Kindergarten it's not like they are going off to war. I wish I had a good explanation for my lack of tear stained Kleenex as my baby belted out some cutesy songs about school, but I don't. Do I want to capture every sweet moment of his innocent years in a bottle and peek in from time to time to remember him as he was, absolutely. Do I wish he would think his mommy is the Queen of Everything for the rest of his life? uhhh, yea. But I also know that Caden has been wise beyond his years, and sometimes beyond mine and Josh's, since he started talking at 9 months old and kindergarten's got nothin' on him. He will still me my little walking/talking dictionary who sees the world in a way too few of us are honored to see it in and he will still love his mommy. Plus, now I get to have the best lunch date in the world at least once a week.
On June 10, 2011 my baby, my first-born little bundle of words and questions graduated from pre-school....FINALLY! I know, I know most moms would be sobbing and trying to hold on to those last few moments of the "pre-school" years with all their might. But, that's just not me. As I was sitting in the playground at Caden's pre-school waiting on the graduation to start a drama queen mommy came and sat down next to me. She was all tears and "I can't believe my baby is going to Kindergarten! Kindergarten!!! It's so scary! I need more Kleenex!" Geez, lady save some of it for HS graduation OK? and no I don't have any Kleenex, now suck it up it's only Kindergarten it's not like they are going off to war. I wish I had a good explanation for my lack of tear stained Kleenex as my baby belted out some cutesy songs about school, but I don't. Do I want to capture every sweet moment of his innocent years in a bottle and peek in from time to time to remember him as he was, absolutely. Do I wish he would think his mommy is the Queen of Everything for the rest of his life? uhhh, yea. But I also know that Caden has been wise beyond his years, and sometimes beyond mine and Josh's, since he started talking at 9 months old and kindergarten's got nothin' on him. He will still me my little walking/talking dictionary who sees the world in a way too few of us are honored to see it in and he will still love his mommy. Plus, now I get to have the best lunch date in the world at least once a week.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Oh, snow!
I have the strangest form of half marathon training. Pretty sure Jillian would be appalled by it, but it's working for me and today for the first time since having Rylan four months ago I put on pre-baby jeans and wore them in public. That's huge, because I usually just put them on by wrestling around on the floor and doing squats, Lay down on the bed to zip them, make Josh lie about them not giving me a muffin top and then peel them off and yell curse words as I hurl them across the bedroom. Anyawho...since it's been snowing, I've been cooking. With butter, lots of butter. I made cookies, dumplings, enchiladas, sloppy joes (not even a red meat eater, see what snow does to me?) Therefor inducing guilt in this normally health conscious eater, so I run. I jump on and run. The best plan, no. Gaining speed, no. Breaking PR's, no. But I'm moving and I haven't given a pair of jeans a tongue lashing in almost a week!
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